Posts by Duy Tran
What’s the Way to Weight Loss? Counting the Calories or its Content? 

 Both sides have good points that we need to consider and combining these two concepts together will greatly increase your chances for success. The next step is to see our food with an appreciation of not just as numerical values or as macronutrient percentages with calories, but for more than what it can be in terms of quality. 

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The Revision of the Failing USDA Guidelines

The American public opinion has currently placed a lot of the blame for poor health issues including: Diabetes, Heart disease, Hypertension, Cancer, Cardiovascular disease and many other chronic illnesses because of the USDA Food Guide Pyramid.

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Duy Tran
Intermittent Fasting vs. Time-Restricted feeding

It's not a coin toss at all to see which method is better. Time-Restricted Feeding is hands down the better option compared to any of the variations of fasting. It's like TRF/TRE became it's own entity and deflected away from the intermittent fasting banner because even though it can be considered under the same category, it's concept is much different in that there's a time you stop eating all of your meals compared to not having any at all for the day. 

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Duy Tran
The Mitochondria: Powerhouse of the Cell

Considered to be the powerhouse of the cell, like a battery providing us with the necessary energy we need to thrive. We once believed there was only one mitochondria in each cell, however there are hundreds, even near the thousands in each cell with the new, up-to-date findings from scientists. So shouldn't we make sure our "batteries" are running at an efficient level in order for us to get what we need?

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Diet, NutritionDuy Tran